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Medical Terminology Questions--urinary system quiz

2017.10.31 0+
  1. Frequently after surgery involving general anesthetic, a patient may not void urine for a period of time, because the kidneys have stopped producing urine. This usually temporary condition is termed

    1. polyuria

    2. oliguria

    3. anuria

    4. nocturia

    5. enuresis

  2. Presence of a kidney “stone” is termed

    1. nephrosis

    2. hydronephrosis

    3. nephritis

    4. nephrolithiasis

    5. pyelonephrosis

  3. A specialist in diseases of the lower urinary tract, bladder and urethra, is called a

    1. nephrologist

    2. urologist

    3. proctologist

    4. blepharologist

    5. serologist

  4. Nephrolithotomy is the term for

    1. removing a kidney

    2. removing a kidney stone

    3. crushing kidney stones with sound waves

    4. removing a tumor from a kidney

    5. transplanting a replacement kidney

  5. The term for scanty or less than normal urine formation is

    1. anuria

    2. enuresis

    3. oliguria

    4. polyuria

    5. nocturia

  6. A procedure that allows a physician to look into the bladder and examine its interior is termed a

    1. retrograde pyelogram

    2. cystoscopy

    3. cystogram

    4. voiding cystourethrogram

    5. intravenous pyelogram

  7. Surgical fixation or return and attachment of a kidney dislodged during an auto accident would be termed

    1. nephrotomy

    2. nephrolithotomy

    3. nephrolithotripsy

    4. nephropexy

    5. nephrectomy

  8. A lab report comes back to a physician documenting numerous erythrocytes in the urine specimen. The term for this is

    1. oliguria

    2. polyuria

    3. anuria

    4. hematuria

    5. nocturia